Product Update – 5th December 2023


We’re thrilled to introduce a host of new features and improvements in our latest update, making your experience with Coveragely even more dynamic and user-friendly:

1. New Report Editor Page :bar_chart:
Say hello to our brand-new Report Editor Page! We’ve revamped and optimized the interface to provide you with a more intuitive and efficient way to customize your reports.

2. Drag and Drop Ordering for Coverage and Metrics :arrows_counterclockwise:
Take control of your data presentation! Now, you can easily edit the order of coverage and metrics by simply dragging and dropping them into your preferred sequence. Customize your reports to perfectly fit your needs with just a few clicks.

3. Improved Subscription Manager Notifications :bell:
Never miss a beat with our enhanced Subscription Manager notifications! Stay informed about important updates, renewals, and account changes, ensuring you’re always in the loop and in control of your subscription.

4. Smoother Account Upgrade Handling :globe_with_meridians:
Upgrading your account has never been smoother. We’ve fine-tuned the account upgrade process to make it seamless and user-friendly. Experience a hassle-free transition as you explore the enhanced features that come with your upgraded Coveragely account.

At Coveragely, we’re committed to providing you with powerful tools and a delightful user experience. We hope these updates bring more flexibility and efficiency to your reporting process. Thank you for choosing Coveragely—where your feedback shapes our evolution! :raised_hands:

What digital marketers are saying about Coveragely

“As a client of Coveragely, I can confidently say that their software tool for visualising PR coverage and link reports has been a game changer for our agency.”

Arsen Rabinovich
TopHat Rank

”Coveragely’s ability to create visualised reports with all available metrics means we can easily share results with multiple stakeholders throughout the business.”

Rob Hughes

Get started right now with a free trial

Sign up for a free trial of Coveragely today and see how it will transform your Digital PR and link outreach reports.